Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I thought I'd check in here, haven't posted in awhile. Mostly because time I would otherwise devote to my blog, I've given to my flickr account. I'm taking my drawing / painting in a new direction, one more honest to myself and my interests. You can see some new work at www.flickr.com/photos/sarah-po. I'm so excited about these new pieces.

I finished the audio book version of Steve Martin's Born Standing Up today, while working on a logo project. I loved listening to it because Martin takes you through his journey in comedy: falling in love with it, struggling to make a name for himself (for ten years) and finally making it big. I'm in the early stages of my career, so it is inspiring to listen to someone recount their "beginner" days, working toward their dreams. A hearty recommendation from this lady!

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