Sunday, August 24, 2008

an end-of-summer update

Well I have been neglecting my blog a bit, but not my sketching, rest assured. I have been busy working on t-shirt designs, the web site for I'm a Hot Tee, LLC, an illustration for my dad, and I started a new map painting. I've recently focused on maps as a subject for drawings and paintings and they still intrigue me.

The week prior to last was completely whirl-wind: my brother moved in and my old roommate Jamie (the sweetest girl on earth) moved out. Also, Mike and I went to a book-signing featuring Senator Byrd. Something happened there which was totally exciting and awesome, but I don't feel at liberty to say what yet ;). Also, Mike's script, S.P.E.C.T.R.E., caught the interest of a great management company in LA. So keep your fingers crossed for us! AND, to top it all off, Mike proposed to me. He asked me in a bench in the Arboretum, on a trail we walked when we went on our first date. :)

Anyway, here are some snippet images of projects, both finished and in-progress.

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